Management Liability

A suite of liability coverages for exposures not addressed by a Commercial General Liability policy.

Private, public, and non-profit organizations alike require protection for decisions made at the board level. Directors, officers, and managers’ actions and decisions can lead to claims from a wide variety of stakeholders, including customers, employees, members, and suppliers. Without the proper protection in place, the threat of costly litigation can be crippling, and personal assets can be put at risk.

Directors & Officers coverage is a consideration for any entity where a board of directors is making decisions for the organization. This includes publicly trades companies, privately owned firms with a board, non-profit societies and charitable organizations, and condo/strata councils. D&O coverage can be a crucial part of attracting and retaining talented individuals to serve as board members.

We provide Management Liability insurance for:

  • Directors & Officers Liability
  • Entity Liability
  • Employment Practices Liability
  • Fiduciary Liability